Five Best Books for Eating Disorder Help

Looking for books that can help you in your eating disorder recovery but don’t know where to start? Well, have I have a TREAT for you this Halloween! I’ve asked some top eating disorder therapists and eating disorder dietitians in San Diego for their recommendations, and I’ve listed them in this blog post. In these books, you’ll find encouragement, hope, and advice on how to get further help. Whether you’re already in eating disorder treatment in San Diego or elsewhere, or you’re looking to find an eating disorder therapist, I think these books will be excellent additions to your eating disorder recovery. Enjoy!

Book #1: Goodbye ED, Hello Me by Jenni Schaefer. Jenni is a vibrant, intelligent woman who has recovered from both an eating disorder and trauma. Eating disorder dietitian Christina Gaunce, RD, stated, “Jenny shares her real life experiences moving toward a recovered life. These examples encourage those pursing recovery to imagine and create a different reality and future without an eating disorder.” Likewise, eating disorder dietitian Diana Wright, RD, shared, “This is a great book for an introduction to understanding eating disorders and the recovery process.”

Book #2: Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Intuitive eating is a well thought-out strategy of stepping away from dieting and learning how to trust your body and its hunger and fullness cues. Eating disorder psychologist Dr Jennie Wang-Hall explained, “This book has helped my clients undo decades of diet culture programming in order to reclaim a joyful and peaceful relationship with food and body!”

Book #3: The F*ck It Diet by Caroline Dooner. This book is a fun and refreshing approach to food. Eating disorder therapist Edie Stark, LCSW, exclaimed, “I LOVE this book for many reasons. For one It’s not super-dense or heavy—it’s very easy to read. Second, it breaks down a ton of myths around food and eating, using both science and humor (win-win) I would recommend this book for those with loved ones struggling or any one who has ever fallen victim to diet culture!”

Book #4: The Body is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor. This author advocates radical self-love and acceptance of your body. Eating disorder psychologist Dr. Jennie Wang-Hall said, “This book helps the reader understand what self-love truly means and how ground breaking that love can be, not only for the individual self but for society as a whole.”

Book #5: Sick Enough: A Guide to the Medical Complications of Eating Disorders by Jennifer L. Gaudiani, M.D. If you want the scoop on how eating disorders affect your body physiologically, this is the book the buy. Eating disorder dietitian Diana Wright, RD, stated, “This book is incredibly helpful for understanding the many medical complications inherent in eating disorders, as well as validating various individual experiences with disordered eating. Dr. Gaudiani works to prove that any client struggling with an eating disorder is truly ‘Sick Enough’ and deserves comprehensive treatment.”

One thing that is important to remember is that there are a bunch of eating disorder recovery books out there, and some of them are super helpful and empowering, and some of them can trigger your eating disorder symptoms. It’s vital to select books based on recommendations by eating disorder professionals; otherwise, instead of a help, the books can become a hinderance to recovery.

If you’re interested in contacting these amazing eating disorder professionals quoted in this blog post, you can click on their names below to find out their contact information:

Christina Gaunce, RD, CEDRD

Edie Stark, LCSW

Dr. Jennie Wang-Hall, Clinical Psychologist

Diana Wright, RD, CEDRD

Much thanks to these fabulous women for their recommendations!!!


Hey everyone, I really appreciate you reading my blog!  Have a wonderful day. :)  


If you are struggling to find eating disorder treatment in San Diego, schedule a free, 15-minute phone consultation using the online scheduler, and I will help you get where you need to be! 

You can find more information about me on Instagram @drmariannemiller or on my Facebook page


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